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Rosa Parks, only with tenacity comes change.

Writer: Kayla Mary Jane MarisinKayla Mary Jane Marisin

A lot of us go through life in a state of, "this is what I am supposed to do". We live our lives in accordance to how society sees fit and when society sees fit. We mark off the boxes that we think we should as a group of people. Serving our labels. But what we often miss is the courage to acknowledge that the system we are placed in is of inequality and to actually do something about it.

On December 1, 1955, you were arrested for refusing to listen to a bus driver 's instructions to give up your seat to a white passenger. You were saying, "I don't think I should have to stand up." You stood your ground the entire process of having the cops called on you and whilst being excavated from the bus. Enough was simply enough. The segregated bus system of Montgomery Alabama appointed full control to bus drivers "the powers of the police officers". Bus drivers could move black passengers when they saw fit to seat white passengers. Black passengers had to pay their fee at the front and then exit and go around to the back door to enter the bus. Dignity was constantly stripped for just having brown skin. We constantly had nothing of our own. Everything was decided upon by the white man. They made it known that we were in the way of their society. That nothing was ours.

Your stand to the system was a pivotal moment in declaring segregation as unconstitutional. It was with your stand that allowed fighting against segregation to be expanded across the United States. A fighting spirit was evoked and people began to find their own strength in standing up to injustice and inequality from your actions. From your courage came the Montgomery Bus Boycott, one of the largest mass movements against racial segregation.

I am finding strength in individuality to be a real cursor for a revolution. All it takes is for one person to speak up for everything to change. It is from courage that monumental advancements are brought about. Without your persistence, without you claiming your seat that day on that bus, so much would be so different.


Kayla Mary Jane



©2020 by Art and Letters- Kayla Mary Jane.

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